$25 per day. Free for Novice pilots and pilots under 16 years old.
This is an ESL Sponsored contest and help from members will be required.
This contest will be two one day events.
The field will be available for informal practice on Friday before the event.
The contest will be managed using the AMA Soaring Rules 2017-2018 with the following options and exceptions:
The Landing measurment will be a circle graduated by 1 point per 1 inch with a 100 point maximum.
The landing scores will be the CD's choice of: ESL's C-delta, add-on bonus or normalized with the flight score.
Varios allowed.
Both days will have 3 rounds of random flight groups and then switch to Seeded MOM groups.
There will be safety zones defined depending on conditions the day of the contest. There will be 1 for the parking/set-up area and 1 for pilot safety.
The in bounds landing zone will be a version of the ESL normal generous allotment, announced at the pilots meeting.
10 minute flight tasks.
Inverted landings will result in zero landing points.
Lost parts will not result in zero landing points as long as the plane is flight worthy.
Competitors will help run the contest.
Awards will be the ESL Small Plaque inserts for 1-3 each day for Experts and Sportsmen and 1st overall for the weekend. Best Overall receives a $25 gift card.
Big plaques will be discounted according to the ESL award plan.
From Rt 422, follow signs to Daniel Boone Homestead.
Field address: 400 Daniel Boone Road, Birdsboro PA. 19508-8735.
Field entrance coordinates: 40.29098 N 75.79421 W
Click for Google Maps overhead view and Directions to field
Sign In starts at 8:00 Pilots meeting at 8:45 First flight at 9AM.
Saturday there will be no rounds starting after 2:31 PM, If the EOS meeting takes place in the morning contest flying could continue until 4PM.
Sunday no rounds starting after 2:29 PM.
A short lunch break each day. No food provided. Please bring your own picnic and drinks.
Unless weather changes the schedule, the EOS meeting will take place Saturday after the contest. If Saturday AM is un-flyable the EOS meeting will be held in the morning.
Primitive camping is allowed. Porta potty on field.
Check back the week of the contest for updated information.